Discover the reason behind thick lens glasses and why prescription lenses can vary greatly.
Category Archives: Optical Centre
What Are Eye Floaters?
Eye floaters are spots in your vision that drift away when you move your eye. These eye flashes can become more intense when you look at something bright, such as the sun or a sharp light.
Costa Lens Technology
Costa Del Mar, Spanish for “Coast of the Sea”, is an American brand which was founded in 1983 by Ray Ferguson.
Which Type of Reading Glasses Are Right For You?
Reading glasses are, as the name suggests, eyeglasses that aid the wearer to see or read objects in close range such as small text, mobile phones, computer screens or threading a needle. There are several types of cheap reading glasses to choose from.
What Your Eye Color Says About Your Personality
Our eye colours can tell us a lot about our genetics, but can they indicate specific personality traits as well?
Why High Curvature And 3D Edging Lenses Are Important
For some glasses wearers, such as those with presbyopia, there may be a need for two or more lens powers to be applied onto the same lens.
Eye Twitching- Meaning, Causes, Prevention & Treatment
When your eye twitches, it means that your eyelid muscles are having involuntary spasms. In other words, it feels like your eyeballs are “jumping”. This may range from barely noticing anything to feeling a slight tug on your eyelid.
Glasses For Small Faces: Tips on Getting the Perfect Eyewear Fit
Wondering if you need glasses for small faces? Well, have you ever been shopping for glasses and found that no matter how many pairs you try on, you still end up looking like you have massive bug eyes?
Nearsighted Glasses – What you need to know
If you find that your eyesight isn’t perfect, then you may need a pair of distance glasses. Our vision can change over time due to age, eye injuries, dry eyes, health conditions, genetics, and even smoking.
Spherical Aberration
Spherical aberration, in the context of optical systems such as lenses for your glasses, is the deviation of light rays as they pass through the lens. This, in turn, causes images to appear blurred.