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The Best Eye Health Supplements

The human body is complex, and the eye especially so. In order to function properly, your eyes need care. Part of that comes from the vitamins and supplements you eat or drink. Use this guide to see which are the best vitamins for eyes and what kind of supplements you can add to your diet to maintain your eye health.

While tablets are always an option for upping your vitamin intake, the best way is always natural – there are so many good foods out there that can better your eye health. This list is chock-full of natural solutions to supplement your eye health.


Vitamin A is important for ensuring your eyes are adjusted to low light settings. Famously, carrots are supposed to boost your night vision! While this claim isn’t exactly scientifically substantiated, carrots (as well as pumpkin, sweet potato, kale and cod liver oil) do contain a good amount of Vitamin A.

Vitamin B1 reduces inflammation, and there is some evidence to suggest that it may help prevent cataracts. Obviously, claims like this must be taken with a pinch of salt, but there’s no harm in adding extra vitamins to your diet where you can. If you’re looking for Vitamin B-rich foods, try wholesome ingredients like whole grains, eggs, almonds, avocados and spinach.

Vitamin C helps maintain the collagen in your cornea, the capillaries in your retina, and reduces the risk of cataracts. You may already be familiar with some foods that contain Vitamin C like citrus fruits, but it’s worth looking elsewhere too. Berries, broccoli, peppers and kiwi fruit are all jam-packed with Vitamin C!

Vitamin E, like some of the other vitamins on this list, allegedly helps to reduce the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts. When taken with selenium, your body can quickly absorb it – luckily, some superfoods contain both! For supplements full of Vitamin E, try Brazil nuts, seafood, whole grain cereals and sunflower seeds (though maybe not all at the same time).

Dietary Supplements:

Omega-3 Fatty Acids are believed to be particularly important in the development of vision in infants, alongside helping to drain intraocular fluid from our eyes – reducing the danger of high eye pressure and glaucoma. They also reduce the chances of getting dry eyes. Most commonly found in seafood, the best place to find omega-3 is in oily fish like salmon, mackerel and sardines.

Zinc can help out with your body’s absorption of Vitamin A – meaning it’s a pretty good dietary supplement if you’re looking to boost your eye health. Zinc is found in seafood, beef, eggs, tofu, beans, nuts and whole grain cereals. It’s a fundamental component of our immune systems, so incorporate it into your diet, but try to steer clear of overdoing it with extra supplements as an excess can get you into some difficulties down the road.

Lutein and Zeaxanthin are carotenoids, i.e. pigments found in plants and in your retina. Supplementing these pigments helps increase their density in your retina. They also absorb excess amounts of harmful blue and UV light. If you want some great lutein boosters, start from the ground up – dark leafy greens, peas, summer squash, pumpkin, brussels sprouts, broccoli and asparagus are all great naturally occurring sources that can really help!

Herbal Supplements are also a great way of getting in some extra nutrients – green tea is great for Vitamin C and E, chrysanthemum flowers are known for their Vitamin B levels, and wolfberries are known to improve eyesight, moisten dry eyes and prevent macular degeneration.

If you’re interested in learning more about the best foods to eat for eye health, read our article about the best foods you can eat to help your eyes! Still curious about more vitamins for eye health? Discover more here.

The Best Eye Health Supplements

The human body is complex, and the eye especially so. In order to function properly, your eyes need care. Part of that comes from the vitamins and supplements you eat or drink. Use this guide to see which are the best vitamins for eyes and what kind of supplements you can add to your diet to maintain your eye health.

While tablets are always an option for upping your vitamin intake, the best way is always natural – there are so many good foods out there that can better your eye health. This list is chock-full of natural solutions to supplement your eye health.


Vitamin A is important for ensuring your eyes are adjusted to low light settings. Famously, carrots are supposed to boost your night vision! While this claim isn’t exactly scientifically substantiated, carrots (as well as pumpkin, sweet potato, kale and cod liver oil) do contain a good amount of Vitamin A.

Vitamin B1 reduces inflammation, and there is some evidence to suggest that it may help prevent cataracts. Obviously, claims like this must be taken with a pinch of salt, but there’s no harm in adding extra vitamins to your diet where you can. If you’re looking for Vitamin B-rich foods, try wholesome ingredients like whole grains, eggs, almonds, avocados and spinach.

Vitamin C helps maintain the collagen in your cornea, the capillaries in your retina, and reduces the risk of cataracts. You may already be familiar with some foods that contain Vitamin C like citrus fruits, but it’s worth looking elsewhere too. Berries, broccoli, peppers and kiwi fruit are all jam-packed with Vitamin C!

Vitamin E, like some of the other vitamins on this list, allegedly helps to reduce the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts. When taken with selenium, your body can quickly absorb it – luckily, some superfoods contain both! For supplements full of Vitamin E, try Brazil nuts, seafood, whole grain cereals and sunflower seeds (though maybe not all at the same time).

Dietary Supplements:

Omega-3 Fatty Acids are believed to be particularly important in the development of vision in infants, alongside helping to drain intraocular fluid from our eyes – reducing the danger of high eye pressure and glaucoma. They also reduce the chances of getting dry eyes. Most commonly found in seafood, the best place to find omega-3 is in oily fish like salmon, mackerel and sardines.

Zinc can help out with your body’s absorption of Vitamin A – meaning it’s a pretty good dietary supplement if you’re looking to boost your eye health. Zinc is found in seafood, beef, eggs, tofu, beans, nuts and whole grain cereals. It’s a fundamental component of our immune systems, so incorporate it into your diet, but try to steer clear of overdoing it with extra supplements as an excess can get you into some difficulties down the road.

Lutein and Zeaxanthin are carotenoids, i.e. pigments found in plants and in your retina. Supplementing these pigments helps increase their density in your retina. They also absorb excess amounts of harmful blue and UV light. If you want some great lutein boosters, start from the ground up – dark leafy greens, peas, summer squash, pumpkin, brussels sprouts, broccoli and asparagus are all great naturally occurring sources that can really help!

Herbal Supplements are also a great way of getting in some extra nutrients – green tea is great for Vitamin C and E, chrysanthemum flowers are known for their Vitamin B levels, and wolfberries are known to improve eyesight, moisten dry eyes and prevent macular degeneration.

If you’re interested in learning more about the best foods to eat for eye health, read our article about the best foods you can eat to help your eyes! Still curious about more vitamins for eye health? Discover more here.

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