What to Do About Watery Eyes

Ask the Optician


Causes of Watery Eyes

Watery eyes, also known as teary eyes or weeping eyes, is a common complaint for people of all ages. Watery eyes are especially common for infants, as their tear duct can be slow to fully develop and open. A tear duct is a small tube that allows your tears to drain from your eyes to your nose. Adults can also have problems with their tear duct, such as a blockage, which will result in itchy watery eyes. Other common causes of watery eyes include seasonal allergies, viral infections, foreign objects in the eye, some medications, aging, and even dry eyes.

Watery Eyes Treatment

Your watery eyes treatment will depend largely on the cause. While teary eyes are not uncommon, you should always speak with your eye care professional when you have doubts, especially if you experience excessive or prolonged tearing.

  • • Foreign Object:If there is a foreign object in your eye, such as an ingrown eyelash, your doctor will remove it and that should solve your watery eye problem.
  • • Bacterial Infection: In cases of a bacterial infection, such as pink eye, your doctor may prescribe you some form of antibiotics.
  • Blocked Tear Duct:If you have a blocked tear duct, your eye care professional may perform an outpatient procedure to help flush it out with a saline solution.
  • Seasonal Allergies:If you have watery eyes due to seasonal allergies, you might want to consider getting a pair of protective sunglasses while you are outdoors.
  • • ​Dry Eyes:If your watery eyes are a symptom of dry eyes, you might be prescribed eye drops to help solve the dry eyes and eliminate the symptoms.

How to Put in Eye Drops 

While the thought of putting in eye drops can scare some people, it is actually a rather simple process. When you are prescribed eye drops for watery eyes, your doctor should give you specific instructions on how to apply eye drops. If you’re still now sure how to put in eye drops, you can follow these simple instructions, always keeping in mind that the instructions may vary depending on your specific condition.

1. Wash your hands: Whenever you do anything that involves close contact between your eyes and your hands, you should make sure your hands are clean of germs and bacteria to avoid infections.

2. Take out contact lenses: If you wear contacts you should always take them out before using eye drops unless your doctor has specifically instructed you to leave them in.

3. Tilt head back and look up: This is the first step to creating space between your lower eyelid and your eyeball, where the drops will go.

4. Pull lower eyelid down with one hand: This is the final step to creating a pocket where your eye drops will go.

5. Squeeze drops over eyelid pocket: You should have specific instructions on how many eye drops for watery eyes you should put in at one time.

Repeat these steps on the other eye only if instructed to do so. If you only have one watery eye, this may not be necessary.

After you Put in Eye Drops for Watery Eyes

Always be sure that when you use eye drops for watery eyes, you do not touch the actual bottle to any part of your eye. The eyes are very delicate and doing so could risk scratching the cornea or spreading germs. When you’re learning how to use eye drops, it is important to remember that once they have been applied, you should close your eyes, rather than blink. This will stop the eye drops for watery eyes from escaping before they have a chance to be effective. Lastly, you should wipe any unabsorbed drops with a tissue and wash your hands.

For better eye health, read about what foods can protect your eyes, or vitamins that are good for your eye health.

What to Do About Watery Eyes

Causes of Watery Eyes

Watery eyes, also known as teary eyes or weeping eyes, is a common complaint for people of all ages. Watery eyes are especially common for infants, as their tear duct can be slow to fully develop and open. A tear duct is a small tube that allows your tears to drain from your eyes to your nose. Adults can also have problems with their tear duct, such as a blockage, which will result in itchy watery eyes. Other common causes of watery eyes include seasonal allergies, viral infections, foreign objects in the eye, some medications, aging, and even dry eyes.

Watery Eyes Treatment

Your watery eyes treatment will depend largely on the cause. While teary eyes are not uncommon, you should always speak with your eye care professional when you have doubts, especially if you experience excessive or prolonged tearing.

  • • Foreign Object:If there is a foreign object in your eye, such as an ingrown eyelash, your doctor will remove it and that should solve your watery eye problem.
  • • Bacterial Infection: In cases of a bacterial infection, such as pink eye, your doctor may prescribe you some form of antibiotics.
  • Blocked Tear Duct: If you have a blocked tear duct, your eye care professional may perform an outpatient procedure to help flush it out with a saline solution.
  • Seasonal Allergies:If you have watery eyes due to seasonal allergies, you might want to consider getting a pair of protective sunglasses while you are outdoors.
  • • ​Dry Eyes:If your watery eyes are a symptom of dry eyes, you might be prescribed eye drops to help solve the dry eyes and eliminate the symptoms.

How to Put in Eye Drops 

While the thought of putting in eye drops can scare some people, it is actually a rather simple process. When you are prescribed eye drops for watery eyes, your doctor should give you specific instructions on how to apply eye drops. If you’re still now sure how to put in eye drops, you can follow these simple instructions, always keeping in mind that the instructions may vary depending on your specific condition.

1. Wash your hands: Whenever you do anything that involves close contact between your eyes and your hands, you should make sure your hands are clean of germs and bacteria to avoid infections.

2. Take out contact lenses: If you wear contacts you should always take them out before using eye drops unless your doctor has specifically instructed you to leave them in.

3. Tilt head back and look up: This is the first step to creating space between your lower eyelid and your eyeball, where the drops will go.

4. Pull lower eyelid down with one hand: This is the final step to creating a pocket where your eye drops will go.

5. Squeeze drops over eyelid pocket: You should have specific instructions on how many eye drops for watery eyes you should put in at one time.

Repeat these steps on the other eye only if instructed to do so. If you only have one watery eye, this may not be necessary.

After you Put in Eye Drops for Watery Eyes

Always be sure that when you use eye drops for watery eyes, you do not touch the actual bottle to any part of your eye. The eyes are very delicate and doing so could risk scratching the cornea or spreading germs. When you’re learning how to use eye drops, it is important to remember that once they have been applied, you should close your eyes, rather than blink. This will stop the eye drops for watery eyes from escaping before they have a chance to be effective. Lastly, you should wipe any unabsorbed drops with a tissue and wash your hands.

For better eye health, read about what foods can protect your eyes, or vitamins that are good for your eye health.

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